Our Doctor


คณะแพทย์ Apex Medical Center

พญ.นันทภัทร์ สุภาพรรณชาติ

แพทย์ผู้ก่อตั้ง Apex Profound Beauty

แพทย์ศาสตร์บัณฑิต จากมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล โรงพยาบาลศิริราช
American Board Certified of Dermatology and Laser Surgery ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา

  • 2528-2530  Fellow in Dermatology, Siriraj Hospital School of Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • 2530-2531  Visiting research associate, Department of Plastic Surgery Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
  • 2531-2532  Research Fellow, Department of Dermatology University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
  • 2532-2533  Internship in Internal Medicine, St.Fransis Hospital Layola University affiliated, Chicago, Illinois.
  • 2533-2536  Resident in Dermatology, University of Cincinnati,Cincinnati, Ohio
  • 2536-2537  Fellow of Dermatologic and Laser Surgery, Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois.


ปัจจุบัน พญ.นันทภัทร์ สุภาพรรณชาติ เป็นแพทย์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ และเป็นอาจารย์สอนด้านศัลยศาสตร์ผิวพรรณที่ศูนย์เลเซอร์ผิวหนังโรงพยาบาลรามาธิบดี มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล และเป็นแพทย์ผิวหนังที่โรงพยาบาลบำรุงราษฎร์ และยังได้รับเชิญเป็นวิทยากรบรรยายเรื่องศัลยศาสตร์ผิวพรรณอยู่บ่อยครั้ง ทั้งสถาบันภายในประเทศ และการประชุมแพทย์ระดับโลก เป็นผู้ก่อตั้ง APEX Profound Beauty


นอกจากนี้ พญ.นันทภัทร์ สุภาพรรณชาติ ยังดำรงตำแหน่งเลขาธิการสมาคมเวชสำอาง และศัลยศาสตร์ผิวพรรณแห่งประเทศไทย รวมทั้งเป็นสมาชิกสมาคมทางการแพทย์นานาชาติอีกหลายแห่ง อาทิ Dermatological Society of Thailand, International Society of Dermatology, American Medical Association, American Academy of Dermatology, Ohio Medical Association, International Cosmetic Laser Surgery และ Board of Thai Cosmetic Dermatology and Surgery

เรือเอก นพ. เอกลักษณ์ ธรรมสุนทร (หมอเอก)

คณะแพทยศาสตร์บัณฑิต (เกียรตินิยม) วิทยาลัยแพทยศาสตร์พระมงกุฎเกล้า มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

  • Plastic Surgery Education Program, id Hospital South Korea
  • High definition power assisted liposuction, Insitituto de Benito, Barcelona Spain
  • Allergan Medical Institute Trainer
  • More than 20 years of medical aesthetics experience and has toured through out Thailand and neighboring countries giving training more than 10,000 medical doctors.
  • Awarded by The
    Allergan Medical Institute to be a Thailand national and Asia pacific regional faculty since 2015.
    As a national expert in the advanced use of botulinum toxin,
    dermal fillers and non-surgical
  • Expert in non-surgical facial recontouring and rejuvenation such as lasers, Ulthera,
    HIFU, Thermage to thread lifting, botulinum toxin, dermal filler injections and surgical face rejuvenation such as
    eye aesthetic surgery, liposuction and fat
  • An international speaker.
  • An experienced executives from 130 international chained medical clinics
    organization JCI, ISO9001 quality systems accredited.

นพ. สมบูรณ์ ไหวพริบ

ศัลยแพทย์ตกแต่งความงาม Plastic Surgeon

  • แพทยศาสตร์บัณฑิต ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
  • ศัลยแพทย์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • ศัลยแพทย์ตกแต่ง ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
  • ศึกษาเพิ่มเติมด้านศัลยกรรมตกแต่ง Boston University
  • ศึกษาเพิ่มเติมด้านการปรับโครงสร้างใบหน้าที่ประเทศไต้หวัน
  • ศึกษาเพิ่มเติมด้าน Open Rhinoplasty & Eyelid Surgery ที่ประเทศเกาหลีใต้
  • สมาชิกสมาคมศัลยแพทย์ตกแต่งแห่งประเทศไทย
  • สมาชิกสมาคมศัลยแพทย์ตกแต่งเสริมสวยแห่งประเทศไทย
  • สมาชิกสมาคมศัลยแพทย์ตกแต่งเสริมสวยนานาชาติ (ISAPS)
  • รางวัล Cosmetic And Plastic  Surgery Service Provider of The Year in Asia Pacific, Global Health Awards 2019

ปัจจุบันดำรงตำแหน่ง ศัลยแพทย์ตกแต่งความงาม (PLASTIC SURGEON) ประจำศูนย์ศัลยกรรมความงาม เอเพ็กซ์ เมดิคัล เซ็นเตอร์ (APEX MEDICAL CENTER)

นพ. ภาวิต หน่อไชย (หมออาร์ม)

ปริญญาเอก (ดุษฎีบัณฑิต)

Master degree of Science in Antiaging and Regenerative medicine

  • Board-certified American Academy of Antiaging and regenerative medicine
  • Certificate and diploma of America Academy of Aesthetic medicine
  • อาจารย์ประจำหลักสูตรปริญญาโท ภาควิชาเวชศาสตร์ชะลอวัยและฟื้นฟูสุขภาพ คณะกรรมการ จริยธรรมวิจัยมหาวิทยาลัยธุรกิจบัณฑิตย์
  • Membership of American Academy of Antiaging and regenerative medicine
  • Certificate in attendance American Academy of Antiaging world Congress Las Vegas Nevada USA
  • Certificate in training attendance AMI Essential Class in Applied Anatomy Workshop General Hospital Singapore
  • Certificate in Chelation Medical Association of Thailand
  • Certificate in Attendance of Non surgical symposium Gold Coast Australia
  • Certificate in Training Thermage ,Ultherapy, Botulinum toxin, Fillers, Lasers, etc.
  • Certificate in Integrative hormonal therapy conference at Bumrungrad international Hospital

พญ. จิรา คุณากรวงศ์ (หมอโอ)

Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol Medical University, Thailand

  • Master of Science in Dermatology, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
  • Research fellowship in Dermatology. Skin Center, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
  • Faculty of medicine,Siriraj hospital,Mahidol university, Thailand
  • Certificate of authenticity and training of Thermage & Ultherapy for face,neck and body contouring
  • Certificate of completion in course of Advance Botulinum Toxin Type A & Hyaluronic acid filler injections for face and body.
  • Certificate of attendance 7-8th International Thaicosderm congress on aesthetic medicine in “ Advance facial aesthetic hand-on workshop of toxin ,Dermal filler injections and thread lift.
  • Certificate of Allergan medical institute (AMI) “Essential Class in Applied Anatomy Workshop” at General Hospital, Singapore
  • Certificate of Allergan Medical institute hand-on workshop “ Unlocking the code to facial revitalization with the MD codes in elegant eye & temple.
  • Certificate of completion in “The CoolSculpting University training individual program”
  • Certificate of attendance in Advance Trianing Course of “Fotona SP Dynamis” with new applications
  • Certificate of participated in International Master Course on Aging Science(IMCAS) Global 2019, Paris ,France
  • Certificate of participated in International Master Course on Aging Science Asia 2017, Bali, Indonesia
  • Certificate of participated in The 3rd Global Association of Leaders in Aesthetics and Anatomy(GALAA)
  • Certificate of participated in International congress of aesthetic dermatology 2016-2019″

นพ. วทัญญู ตาจันทร์ดี (หมอบิ๊ก)

Dr. Vatunyou Tachandee
* Doctor of Medicine 2011 Faculty of Medicine, Chiangmai University, Chiangmai, Thailand.
* More than 10 years of medical aesthetics experience
* Expert in non-surgical facial recontouring and rejuvenation such as lasers, Ultherapy,HIFU, Thermage, Botulinum toxin and Dermal filler injections
* Authenticity and training of Thermage & Ultherapy for face,neck and body contouring
* Completion in course of Advance Botulinum Toxin Type A & Hyaluronic acid filler injections for face and body
* Certificate of Attendance Unlocking Emotional Beauty with the MD Code Equations Symposium 16th July 2016, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
* Workshop True lift : A ligament lifting by Dr.Peter Huang, Galderma, Taiwan 2019
* Workshop Teartrough by Dr. Allen Huang, Galderma, Taiwan 2019
* Certificate of Completion of training the Ultherapy SEE, PLAN, TREAT (SPT) Training program and officially recognized as an Ultherapy S.P.T. Treatment Provider by MERZ Aesthetics, Jan 2020
* Certificate of participated in AMWC 2023 21st Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, Monaco (March 30 – April 1 2023)
* Certificate of attendance in MD Codes™ Live Immersion Tour 2023 by Dr Mauricio de Maio at Royal Paragon Hall, Bangkok, Thailand (31 May – 1 June 2023)

พญ. รัตติยา เตชะขจรเกียรติ (หมอจิงโจ้)

Fellowship in dermatosurgery/ dermatologic Laser Surgery Division of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University

Master’s Degree in Dermatology (International Program) Division of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
International Diploma Course in STD and AIDS (COTTISA)
Bachelor of Political Science, Ramkhamheang University
Doctor of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University

  • Cadaveric demonstration on toxin and filler injections, Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Certificate of attendance in The 8-9th ITCAM
  • International thaicosderm congress on aesthetic medicine 9th and post congress cadaver
  • Certificate of attendance in The 2019 ICAD Asthetic Surgery and cosmetic dermatology
  • Certificate of attendance in The 24th Regional Conference of Dermatology (Asian-Australasian)
  • Certificate of attendance in The 41-44th Annual Meeting of the Dermatology Society of Thailand
  • Certificate of participation in the enduring material titled “The Telephone & Telemedicine in Clinical Medicine: An Instrument of Opportunity & Risk” by the Harvard Medical School. Boston, MA, USA
  • Membership of Medical council in Thailand
  • Membership of Dermatology Society in Thailand
  • Membership of International Society for Dermtologic Surgery (ISDS)
  • Membership of Association for Dermatologic Surgery (ADS)
  • Article published on an international journal: Vachiramon V, Techakajornkeart R, Leerunyakul K, Chayavichitsilp P. Accuracy of a high-intensity focused ultrasound device with and without real-time visualization system in face and neck treatment of skin laxity. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021 Jan;20(1):132-137. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13512. Epub 2020 Jun 20. PMID: 32474997.

พญ. ปรณีย์​ ฉัตรธานี​ (หมอเอิง)

Doctor of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

  • Certificate of attendance in “Allergan skin booster
  • Certificate of attendance in “Allergan elegance eyes
  • Certificate of attendance Allergan Medical Institute (AMI) Hands-on workshop a new solution to better skin quality
  • Certificate of attendance Allergan Medical Institute (AMI) Hands-on workshop unlocking the code to facial revitalisation with the MD codes – Elegant eyes and complication management
  • Attendance Allergan Medical Institute (AMI) unlocking the code to facial revitalisation with the MD codes – Lips and ML
  • Certificate of attendance Relife Definisse threads Hands-on training by Innovation and Consciousness in Medical Education

พญ. กนกพร เรมกานนท์ (หมอกุ๊ก)

Doctor of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot Medical University, Thailand
Master Degree in Dermatology, Srinakharinwirot Medical University, Thailand

  • Training in Laser Surgery, Dermatological Society of Thailand
  • Certificate of Fractional Skin Resurfacing
  • Certificate of Injection Botulinum toxin and filler
  • Annual Meeting of The Dermatological Society of Thailand

-Anti-aging and regenerative medicine
-Weight management

-Master degree of Antiaging and Regenerative Medicine,DPU
-Fellowship Training Program of General Dermatology and Mohs Surgery,Florida International University
-Fellowship Training Program of Laser and Cosmetic Dermatology,Florida International University
-Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery(MBBS) ,Zhejiang University

นพ. ธนวรรธ สุภาพ (หมอป๋อม)

Doctor of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand

  • American Board of aesthetic medicine(Diploma in advanced aesthetic medicine)
  • Mae fah luang university(ultrasound assisted lipolysis training course)
  • Ramathibodi training course in cosmetic dermatology

นพ. ปรัชญนันท์ ปิยะพิพัฒน์ (หมอโอม)

Doctor of Medicine, Thammasat University

  • อบรมระยะสั้นสถาบันโรคผิวหนัง – พ.ศ. 2554

พญ. หทัยนุช หมุดปิน

Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol Medical University, Thailand

  • International Diploma in Dermatology And Dermatosurgery, Institute of Dermatology, Thailand

พ.ญ. สุวรรณี ธรรษพิทยา (หมอเจ็ง)

Doctor of Medicine, Mahidol Medical University, Thailand

  • International Diploma in Dermatology and Dermatosurgery, Institute of Dermatology, Thailand
  • Training on Acupuncture, Army Medical Department, Thailand

นพ. ประวิทธ์ น้ำทองไทย (หมอเก่ง)

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University

  • Certificate in Aesthetic Medicine ,American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
  • Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine ,American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine
  • International Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology ,Bangkok 2015
  • 5th Annual Conference of The Pan Asia Academy of FPRS ,Bangkok 2015
  • The Spring 2016 GALAA Medical Conference, Bangkok
  • Unlocking Emotional Beauty with the MDcodes Equation by Dr.DeMaio, Bangkok , Thailand 2016
  • International Congress in Aesthetic Dermatology, Bangkok 2016
  • 42nd Annual Meeting of Dermatological Society of Thailand 2017
  • Hand on Elegance eyes class from Allergan medical institute at TRIA 2017
  • Delivering Emotional Attributes with the MDcodes Equations by DeMaio, Bangkok, Thailand 2017
  • IMSA RAMA The Injector Botulinum Toxin 2018
  • Going beyond beauty by Dr.Patricia from Allergan medical institute at TRIA 2019
  • 44th Annual meeting of Dermatological Society of Thailand 2019
  • MDcodes tour Immersion by Dr.Demaio, Seoul, South Korea 2019

พญ. ดาริน ทองตัน (หมออิง)

Doctor of medicine (Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol university)

MSc in dermatology (Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol university)

  • Certificate of Fellowship in Dermatologic Surgery (Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol university)

พญ. ชุตินันท์ สุรมนสิการ (หมอเปรี้ยว)

Doctor of Medicine, Rangsit University, Thailand

  • International Diploma in Dermatology And Dermatosurgery, Institute of Dermatology, Thailand

พญ. แก้วลดา ยุพกรณ์ (หมอน้ำหอม)

Faculty of medicine, Ramathibodi hospital, Mahidol university
Master of Science in Dermatology, Srinakharinwirot University

  • อบรมวิชาโรคผิวหนัง สถาบันโรคผิวหนัง
  • Certificate of Injection Botulinum toxin and filler.
  • Certificate of Fractional Skin Resurfacing.

พญ. ณพัฐอร พงษ์ศรีหดุลชัย (หมอเอมมี่)
Doctor of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Dermatology, Srinakharinwirot Medical University, Thailand
Diploma of the Thai Board of Preventive Medicine, Public Health
Certificate of attendance in “11th American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (Thailand) Symposium”, 2019
Certificate of attendance in “Restylane Skinbooster Workshop”, 2018
Certificate of attendance in “Hands-On Cadaveric Dissection Workshop of Toxin, Filler Injections and Thread Lift & Live Injections in Conjunction with Cadaver Dissection” by Thaicosderm, 2018
Certificate of completion in “Coolsculpting University Training Program”, 2017
Cerfificate of attendance in “Practical Chelation Workshop” by Health & Education Academics (Thailand), 2017
Certificate of attendance in International Thaicosderm Congress on Aesthetic Medicine (7th ITCAM) “Beyond the Aesthetic Horizon”, 2017
Certificate of attendance in “Laser and Aesthetic Skin Therapy”, Harvard Medical School, USA, 2016
Certificate in “Training Course in Cosmetic Dermatology”, Ramathibodi Hospital, 2016
Certificate of attendance in International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology (ICAD), 2016
Certificate of attendance in 41st DST Annual Meeting 2016 (Dermatological Society of Thailand)
Certificate of attendance in 39th DST Annual Meeting 2014 (Dermatological Society of Thailand)

ธนกร ลีลาสูรยกานต์ (หมอก๊อต)
“Master of Science in Dermatology, Mae Fah Luang University

Fellowship in Dermatology, Mae Fah Luang University”
“• Certificate of attendance: Basic to Advanced Botox
• Certificate of attendance: Basic to Advanced Filler
• Certificate of attendance in ADAC WEEKEND FORUM 2022: Intensive Training Course with Hand-on Workshop
• Certificate of attendance: The Cadaver and Hand-on Workshop for Filler Injection
• Certificate of attendance in First Impressions: Keep it Personal “The Look and The Smile”, Galderma
• Certificate of attendance in First Impressions: Keep it Personal “The Profile and The Glow”, Galderma
• Certificate of attendance “2nd Botulinum Toxin Antibody: Laboratory Investigations and Blood Specimen Collection and Processing”, Siriraj Hospital
• Certificate of attendance in cosmetic dermatology: Next Step in Modernizing Cosmetic Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital
• Certificate of attendance in cosmetic dermatology: Step up beyond limitations, Ramathibodi Hospital”

พญ.ชยาภรณ์ กฤษณสุวรรณ (หมอนาน่า)
ป.ตรี- China Medical University
“Certificate of Training Botox, Filler, Thread lifting and Q switch จาก Aesthetic Training Center
Certificate of Platelet Riced Plasma for Alopecia and Acne Scar, Chulalongkorn Annual Surgery & Aesthetic
Certificate of Attendance Essential Anatomy of Face: Better Understanding Better Outcome, Medyceles
Certificate of Attendance in “”Recent Advances in Aesthetic Dermatology””, Mae Fah Luang University
The training course on the hands-on workshop “”Advanced filler level 1″”, Aesthetic concept academy
The training course on the hands-on workshop “”Advanced filler level 2″”, Aesthetic concept academy
The training course on the hands-on workshop “”Advanced filler level 3″”, Aesthetic concept academy
Certificate of Attendance in Rama Cosmetic Dermatology (Lecture + Workshop), Rama Dermatology
Certificate of Attendance in “”Practical Cell Therapy””, H.E.A.T International Symposium
Certificate of Attendance 12th American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (Thailand) Symposium, American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine

ณัฐพร ทัศนาวิวัฒน์(หมอนุ๊ก)
แพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสุรนารี
“Certificate of basic and advanced course in botulinum toxin for facial injection

Certificate of advanced course in dermal filler for facial injection

Certificate of skin and hair rejuvination and restoration

Certificate of ulthera

อลิสา มาตรสุวรรณ (หมอโมเม)
ป.ตรี ไชน่าเมด ประเทศจีน
“- certificate of international congress of aesthetic dermatology
– certificate of the american board of laser surgery
– certificate of general dermatology for medical personal, Ramathibodi hospital
– certificate of knowledge in dermatology, Ramathibodi hospital
– certificate of anti-aging and regenerative medicine, Mae Fah Luang
– certificate of essential anatomy of face
– certificate of beauty against gravity for face lifting and nose augmentation
– certificate of basic aesthetic procedures course”
Aesthetic medicine

นพ. เพชร สุริโยธิน (หมอเพชร)
Doctor of Medicine, Chiangmai University, Thailand
“* Certificate of Attendance: The International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology 2019 (ICAD 2019) “The Symphony of Global Aesthetics”
* Certificate of Attendance: Allergan Medical Institute: “An Advanced Approach to Facial Assessment with MDCodes Distinction”
* Certificate of Attendance: Allergan Medical Institute: “Foundation & Contouring of Cheek & Chin”
* Certificate of Attendance: Allergan Medical Institute: “Skin Quality & VOLITE”
* Certificate of Attendance: Allergan Medical Institute: “The Art and Sciences of Botulinum Toxin Type A”
* Certificate of Attendance: Allergan Medical Institute: AMI Consultation
* Certificate of Attendance: “A New Paradigm for ULTHERAPY 2020” by MERZ AESTHETICS- ULTHERA
* ULTRAFORMER III Workshop & Update 2019 by CLASSYS
* Certificate of Attendance: “Complication Management of Filler and Botulinum Toxin” by Galderma-Restylane”

สุวรรณี ธรรษพิทยะ (หมอเจ็ง)
แพทยศาสตร์บัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
“Diploma in Dermatology and Dermatosurgery (Institute of dermatology)
หลักสูตรแพทย์ฝังเข็ม กรมแพทย์ทหารบก”
Aesthetic physician

วทัญญู ตาจันทร์ดี – หมอบิ๊ก
ป.ตรี มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
“Dr. Vatunyou Tachandee
* Doctor of Medicine 2011 Faculty of Medicine, Chiangmai University, Chiangmai, Thailand.
* More than 10 years of medical aesthetics experience
* Expert in non-surgical facial recontouring and rejuvenation such as lasers, Ultherapy,
HIFU, Thermage, Botulinum toxin and Dermal filler injections
* Authenticity and training of Thermage & Ultherapy for face,neck and body contouring
* Completion in course of Advance Botulinum Toxin Type A & Hyaluronic acid filler injections for face and body
* Certificate of Attendance Unlocking Emotional Beauty with the MD Code Equations Symposium 16th July 2016, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
* Workshop True lift : A ligament lifting by Dr.Peter Huang, Galderma, Taiwan 2019
* Workshop Teartrough by Dr. Allen Huang, Galderma, Taiwan 2019
* Certificate of Completion of training the Ultherapy SEE, PLAN, TREAT (SPT) Training program and officially recognized as an Ultherapy S.P.T. Treatment Provider by MERZ Aesthetics, Jan 2020
* Certificate of participated in AMWC 2023 21st Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, Monaco (March 30 – April 1 2023)”

ปาวรา วีระสถาปนากุล. หมอหลี
📔การศีกษา (ป.ตรี/ ป.โท./ ป.เอก) + ระบุมหาวิทยาลัยของแต่ละปริญญา
Certificate of attendance IMCAS ASIA, Thai Society of cosmetic Dermatology and Surgery —Pediatrics and Aesthetic physicians
-Master class FACE Facial rejuvenation with Toxin and Filler of 1st World Congress of Dermatologic and Aesthetic Surgery of ISDS
-Certificate of Attendance 7th ITCAM thaicosderm congress on aesthetic medicine and post-congress cadaver course
-Certificate completion of training ULTHERAPY S.P.T. treatment provider
-Certificate of attendance in Practical Dermatology, RAMA Dermatology
-Certificate of attendance the 3rd GALAA Medical conference
– Facial Analysis and design The Practical point for Difficult Cases of Restylene
-Doctor of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
-Board of Pediatrics, Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health
-Diploma of Dermatology of Cardiff University, UK.
-Fellowship in Anti-aging, Dhurakij Bundit University
-Diploma of American Board of Laser Surgery

น้ำเพชร- เจริญพงพันธุ์ – (หมอจ๋า)

-คณะแพทยศาสตร์ เกียรตินิยมอันดับ2 จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย (2016)
-Clinical fellowship of dermatology ศูนย์ผิวหนัง มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ ประสานมิตร(2019)
-ปริญญาวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต ตจวิทยา มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ (2019-2021) “
“2023 certificate of attendance to the valuable knowledge of cadaver course, ATAP thailand
2022 certificate of attendance Rama cosmetic dermatology work-shop:Step up beyond limitations, Ramathibodi hospital
-certificate of attendance expert sharing for better skin quality, Allergan medical institute
Certificate of attendance “exclusive hand-on with Dr.James Min Kim, chief medical advisor tesslift
Certificate of “an official mint lift certified practitioner”
2021 certificate of intensive fundamental course of attractive jawline&elegent eye, Medyceles
Certificate of intensive advance course of forehead and temple, Medyceles
Certificate of attendance cosmetic dermatology: nest step in modernizing cosmetic medicine, Ramathibodi
2020 certificate of attendance the 24th regional conference of dermatology(Asian-australasian)/ the 45th annual meeting of the dermatology society of thailand

MSc in Dermatology