Scars, scars, go afar!

Pimples are habitual. Although more seen during your teenage years, they continue to pay a visit at any age, anytime and without any notice. It’s all good, okay, at least tolerable, if they come and go quickly. The problem occurs when they leave a mark on our face after they’re gone. And of course with time, as more acne appears, the chances of more scarring increases. What’s worse? If you don’t treat acne scars swiftly, they’re likely to stay with you forever. For those of you are thinking time will do the trick, you may be right _ only if you are in your younger years when the body is quick to recover. As an adult, it’s best to procrastinate no more, and get a scarring treatment system right away, before chaos ensues.



There are multiple grades of pimples. The mildest and common ones are small and tiny bumps of comedones such as blackheads and whiteheads. Another form of mild acne are small papules or red, inflamed, tender bumps with no head. More severe ones are pimples or cyst, which are pus-filled. While a mild pimple or clusters of pimples may just be temporary guests, cystic acne can be far more severe and highly prone to permanent scarring unless you take care, and avoid scratching or squeezing. Finally the severe type of acne that is almost definitely going to leave a scar is the big boils you get on your face.


Cystic acne strikes males more than females, but it can occur in either gender. If there is a family tendency to have the condition, parents of those entering their teens should be on the lookout for symptoms such a reddening of the skin or visible skin lesions.

Other factors causing severe acne are the same as those for other forms of acne. All types of acne often occur due to overactive oil glands, which means your sebaceous or fat glands are very active in producing oil on the skin. This excess oil can clog the pores, blocking bacteria inside. Hormonal imbalance and stress often stimulate the sebaceous gland activity. Acne also comes from excess dead skin cells within the hair follicle or pores. Externally acne can be caused by clogging pores with too much cream or cosmetics.


Firstly you need to know you can’t get rid of acne scars 100%. It can only be lessened by about 50-70%, depending on how aggressive you go with the treatments. And these treatments are not permanent, because if you continue to have acne, you’ll be prone to the scars again.

For mild scarring, needle rollers can be used to stimulate collagen on the surface. Chemical peeling or applying chemical to the skin also helps by taking off the top layer of skin and giving it a chance to replenish itself while also stimulating a little bit of collagen on the surface.

If you want real improvement for severe scars, then you have the choice of laser resurfacing. This is primarily used to get rid of nasty wrinkles and scars that appear on the surface of the skin. The laser emits a power beam of light that burns affected skin away. An even more efficient technology would be Sublative Rejuvenation which uses can go deeper than traditional laser heat your subcutaneous dermal tissue, breaking the sebum cycle that causes active acne to form. It also works to contracts and restructures collagen, resulting in skin tightening and improved skin quality. It’s also great for the reason that it doesn’t really have downtime, pigmentation or scarring and very little side effects.



Dermabrasion was more common in the past, but not so much anymore. The procedure needs to be performed by a highly skilled doctor and hygiene vice, there’s lots of blood splattering. With laser you know exactly how deep you want to go and can adjust the energy to be as deep as you want to fix, as for dermabrasion although you can do this, it’s not as precise. I’d would just say, for red scars it’s good to get a laser done, for severe scars usually fractional radio frequency works best, for indented scars, fillers do the magic and for ice pick scars nothing really helps. But this is just a general statement. Depending on each individual case, it may differ and sometimes you’ll need a combination of treatments.


If all of these techniques and treatment options have your head spinning, do your best to prevent adult acne, before it gets to an uncontrollable point. If the cause is hyperactive of sebaceous gland then you may have to may have to consider medication that reduces its activity. If your lifestyle induces acne, such as too much sun exposure, cream or make up, then try and go low on it.