Activate your inner charm

No matter how much we treat our skin on the surface, all the treatments are superficial and the results are not going to last for very long. To actually have clearer, glowing skin, it’s essential to cleanse the body from the inside by reducing internal impurities. Radiant skin comes from a healthy, toxin-free body while blemished, pale skin is often the result of harmful toxins being ingested by the body.


‘‘People are like stained glass
windows. They sparkle andshine
whenthe sun is out, butwhen
the darkness sets in, their true
beauty is revealed only if there is
a light from within.’’

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

How does internal cleansing lead to glowing skin?

The skin is the largest excretion organ and is roughly responsible for 10-15% of the body’s total elimination. When our body cannot get rid of these toxins, it forces out impurities through the skin, causing many different types of conditions. For this reason, the skin is sometimes referred to as the “third kidney”. Another aspect to note is that 98% of the cells in our body are replaced every three to six months. New cells are created from the food we eat, the water we drink, and the very air we breathe. So if we eat and exercise right, our internal organs will stay healthy and clean, and our new cells, including our skin cells, will be hale and hearty.

How do we know when it’s time to get our body system cleansed?

Inner beauty is something everyone needs to pay attention to on a regular basis. Think of your body as a vehicle. For a safe journey, you need to keep the engine in good condition; just getting a car wash doesn’t do the job. But how often you need to do it depends on how you use it and how much you use it. The same way, if you are exercising regularly and eating healthy, then the need for cleansing the body’s internal organs might be less frequent than for those who lead an otherwise lifestyle. Regardless, most of us need to detox every once in a while, because although we can control our diet and activities, we are still exposed to a constant flow of low-level toxins every day from our environment _ sometimes from the air pollution and vehicle exhausts or even the water we drink.

What are the detoxification procedures?

For those who are still young, an organ detox along with an addition of vitamins should be enough to freshen the skin cells. Lymphatic therapy can be used to stimulate the lymphatic system, which is composed of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and organs that filter particulate matter such as bacteria from entering the bloodstream. This is done through skin brushing and can activate all of the above functions, as well as encourage blood circulation and cell regeneration.

For those of you who are older, with tired cells and a body system that doesn’t function as efficiently as it used to, you might need hormone replacement in order for the cell to function to its optimum level. Usually, it’s after the age of 45 when people begin to have hormonal imbalance, so you need hormonal therapy to balance the hormones. And when the hormone treatments also don’t work, cell therapy can be considered. Cell therapy is a non-toxic, holistic medical technique in which the entire body can be treated. It is based on the idea that spent cells can be stimulated and rejuvenated by injecting fresh cells, commonly obtained from animals, plants or even your own cells, into your body. Proponents of this treatment believe that when live, healthy cells are injected into the patient, it results in cell regeneration and stimulation of the immune system.

What about if we need to get rid of heavy metal accumulated in the body?

The common symptoms of heavy metal accumulation in our body are tiredness, dull skin and constant headaches. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should get the level of heavy metals in your body checked out and if the levels are indeed high, chelation therapy can be done. This type of therapy uses intravenous (IV) solutions to help eliminate heavy metal toxins and is more suitable for those above 30; chelation therapy should be avoided by pregnant women.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I cannot emphasise enough on the importance of taking care of your body’s internal system. People who exercise every day will naturally look better than those who don’t exercise at all. Your body needs to have a good balance in order to look good. If there is too much toxin ingested, your cells don’t function properly and this will affect your appearance. It’s a good thing that more people are becoming aware of this and concentrating more on maintaining the inner body to have a beautiful outer body. A well functioning internal body always creates a beautiful external body, but even more important than that, it gives you a healthier, better quality of life.